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CS PhD Colloquium & Seminar

Research Interest Areas:

  • Data Analytics, Machine Learning
  • iSecure Lab: Information Security and Privacy
  • AI, Semantic Web and Data Integration
  • Social Computing
  • E-Government, Environmental Science Data Management
  • Decentralized Workflow Management
  • Web Services
  • E-Business
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    Data Analytics, Machine Learning

    Supported by the NSF IUCRC center projects, CARTA: Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics, and CHMPR: Center for Hybrid Multicore Productivity Research, the state of the art data analytics, machine learning, AI, or Deep Learning methods and approaches are leveraged to process large-scale data to build intelligent machines to bring timely insights, support better decision making, and predict behaviors and patterns to solve impactful real-world challenges. The research and development projects are conducted with industry and government partners.

    iSecure Lab: Information Security and Privacy

    Information security, privacy and trust are critical element in digital age. My research contributions include developing one of the first geo-spatial authorization models to control access to geospatial data, such as high resolution imageries, maps and other geo-objects, extending the traditional RBAC with geo-credentials. This work also naturally extended to data security in mobile and pervasive environment where the goespatial location is the primary determinant for location-based information services. The geospatial location of medical emergencies is also used to pull the necessary resources to fill the required roles for medical record access. Algorithms for role recommendation for available medical emergency staff nearby the accidents are developed for medical data access control that also preserve the patient's privacy preferences.

    Interorganizational workflow execution often implies sharing of data between several organizations. The conflict of interest issue may arise with the visible data and control flows in workflow execution period. The Chinese wall security model has been extended to handle this potential conflict of interest issues during decentralized workflow execution.

    In addition, my current research extends to the cybersecurity education. We have established a Security Research and Education Lab (iSecure Lab) that aims to foster research and learning environment to raise the awareness and knowledge in cybersecurity and to enhance skills in assessing and controlling cybersecurity risks and attacks. The main research activity includes a self-help learning tool to easily search for the educational materials in different formats, based on the security terms and learners's learning styles and preferences. To this end, my research activities include a semi-automated Security Ontology Development and semantic tagging, linking and searching of the security learning objects.

    Semantic Web and Data Integration

    Social Computing for Healthcare

    Other Areas

    E-Government, Environmental Science Data Management

    Web Services

    Proliferation of Web technologies and the ubiquitous Internet has resulted in a tremendous increase in the need to deliver one-stop Web services, which are often composed of multiple component services that cross organizational boundaries. It is essential that these composite Web services, referred to as service flows, be carefully composed in a dynamic and customized manner to suit to the changing needs of the customers. This composition should be conducted in such a manner that (i) the composed service flow adheres to the policies imposed by the organizations offering the component services, (ii) the selected component services are compatible with one another so that the entire composition would result in a successful service flow, and (iii) the selected component services most closely meet the customer requirements. In this research, we propose a policy-based Web service composition that utilizes the semantics associated with the component services.

    We consider policies imposed by different entities while composing service flows, which include service policies (imposed by the organizations offering component services), service flow policies (associated with the entire service flow), and user policies (the user requirements expressed as policies). In addition to these policies, one may consider rules at the syntactic and semantic levels that can be used to select relevant component services in order to compose customized service flows, by considering the notions of syntactic, semantic and policy compatibility. We model the different policies and the service topic ontology using OWL, DAML-S, RuleML and RDF standards.

    Decentralized Workflow Management

    With the rapid growth of Internet applications for enterprise-wide and cross-enterprise business processes with dynamically changing participants, workflow management sys- tems (WFMS) face various challenges: (1) cross-organizational workflow design and definition need to be dynamic, efficiently constructed, and customized to a user's needs; (2) workflow execution should honor the autonomy of various participating organiza- tions, avoiding centralized control which can be a potential bottleneck and single point of failure, and (3) service and business workflows should be customizable at run time to adapt to changes of requirements and exception situations. This project has contributed to the progress towards the formalization and development of a decentral- ized workflow system that supports customized workflows that can be automatically composed at design time, and that adds greater flexibility for dynamic workflows that can adapt to the changing requirements and environments. This research also has contributed to the progress towards the understanding of requirements and limitations in developing inter-agency E-government application systems.


    Useful Links

  • Tools that support Workflows
  • Database Management (Cloud data)
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